Monday, April 12, 2010

This life .. .l is your story (and God's)

In starting on a new j0urney (like writing this blog ;) ) it helps to have a framework or metaphor in mind. If you are coming out of a harrowing ordeal -- whether it be financial problems, or relationship issues, or work trouble, one way to start getting some perspective is to see your life as a story. The bible is often seen as god's story, and knowing that He created you makes it important to see that you are both part of His story, and the author of your own. You have choices about what to write in your story, and who the characters will be in it. You do this through your choices. your style of writing is a result of your attitude and habits.

By engaging your story, you build a life that is memorable. In addition most authors say that a story tells itself, that the characters work out the story and the author records it. Our stories are like that - we live in them as well as write them.

Consider reading more about this approach. Jeff Cavins stresses the importance of story in his Great Adventure bible studies. Also , pick up a copy of Donald Miller’s A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.

Begin now to re-enter and live your story, writing it for the great purposes God has for you.